keep faith - tradução para grego
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keep faith - tradução para grego

Keep the Faith (song); Keep the faith (disambiguation)

κρατώ πίστη      
keep faith
bona fide         
Bona fide; Bona fidei; Bona fides; Bonafide; Assumed good faith; Assume good intent; Good faith agreement; Good faith effort; Good faith negotiation; Assume Good Faith; Assuming good faith; Good Faith; Assume good faith; Good-faith; Bona Fide; Bonâ fide; Bona fida; Bona-fida; Good faith edit; Good faith edits; Good intention
keep cool         
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to earn one's keep
1) (D; tr.) ('to have') to keep about (esp. BE), around (do you keep a screwdriver around the house?)
2) (d; intr.) to keep after ('to keep persuading') (keep after the children; they are still too untidy)
3) (d; tr.) to keep at ('to hold') (she kept them at their studies)
4) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep for (the librarian will keep the book for you)
5) (d; intr., refl.) to keep from ('to refrain') (she could not keep from talking)
6) (d; tr.) ('to conceal') to keep from (to keep a secret from smb.)
7) (d; tr.) ('to hold back'); ('to prevent') to keep from (the rain kept us from going; don't keep her from her work)
8) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep off (keep off the grass)
9) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep off (keep the children off the street)
10) (d; intr.) ('to remain') to keep out of (keep out of my way; I kept out of their quarrel)
11) (d; tr.) ('to hold') to keep out of (keep the guests out of the house)
12) (d; intr.) ('to be confined') to keep to (she kept to her room)
13) (d; intr.) ('to continue') to keep to (to keep to the right)
14) (D; tr.) ('to reserve') to keep to (to keep a secret to oneself)
15) (G) ('to continue') she kept reading
16) (J) ('to cause') he kept us waiting
17) (N; used with an adjective, noun, past participle) (to maintain'); ('to hold') she kept us busy; they kept him prisoner; the fire kept us warm; she kept the children amused with her stories
18) (P; intr., tr.) ('to continue'); ('to hold') to keep right; to keep a car in a garage
19) (s) ('to remain') to keep quiet; to keep warm


Keep the Faith (disambiguation)

Keep the Faith is an album by Bon Jovi.

Keep the Faith may also refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para keep faith
1. if you will be brave and keep faith.
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965)
2. And so what you need to keep faith with is the thing that
Wild _ Cheryl Strayed _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para keep faith
1. I think we should keep faith with him," she said.
2. We will invariably keep faith in socialism at all times.
3. But I will always keep faith in this body and in my fellow Americans.
4. For they say: We have no obligation to keep faith with Gentiles.
5. We cant keep faith out of politics or out of public life.